Lithium battery charger charging method misunderstanding analysis and precautions
First,the lithium battery charger charging method-if the new battery is charged
To deal with the charging method of the new battery,the officially spread the top three main charge for more than 12 hours to activate the battery.However,this kind of statement is accurate?Is it still wrong?~~The answer is wrong~~
The reason is one:This kind of statement is continuously from the nickel battery,but the charge and discharge characteristics of the lithium battery and the nickel battery are very different.For the lithium battery,overdischarge and overcharge will cause significant damage to the battery.It is best to charge according to the standard time and standard method,remember not to charge more than 12 hours.
For the sake of two reasons:the lithium battery will automatically stop charging after it is fully charged,but it will be placed on the charger,which will present the discharge-charge cycle.The characteristics of the battery charge and discharge protection circuit can be changed,and the battery is at risk.The edge.
Second,lithium battery charger charging method-how to charge in the use of abnormal
Dealing with the lithium battery in the abnormal use of how to charge this performance,a lot of different opinions,some small partners said"to use active shutdown,no electricity left to recharge"but some small partners but"use with the charge"To deal with this achievement,Xiaobian does not stop the behavior in the theory of the first statement,but invented the need to do so,what is the bottom?Let me look at it~~
The reason is that the life of a lithium battery is usually 300 to 500 charge cycles.Assuming that the power supplied by a complete discharge is 1Q,regardless of the power consumption in each charge cycle,the lithium battery can supply 300Q~500Q power..If you charge 1/2 each time,you can charge 600-1000 times;if you charge 1/3 every time,you can charge 900-1500 times;if you charge randomly,the number of times is uncertain.In short,a total of 300Q-500Q power can be compensated for is constant,the life of the lithium battery is related to the total charge of the battery,but it is related to the number of charge.Deep charge or deep charge may not be too long for the life of the lithium battery.Great impact.
The reason is two:In fact,shallow shallow charge to deal with lithium battery is more beneficial,as long as the product's power module for lithium battery calibration,there is a need for deep deep charge.Therefore,in the ordinary use process,you can not reconcile with the use of photoelectric recharge,can be used with the charge,to facilitate the first.
Third,lithium battery charging method-precautions
Note 1:Avoid excessive temperature when charging
If the temperature is higher than the specified operating temperature(35°C)when charging,the power of the lithium battery will be continuously reduced,that is,the power supply is extended under full power,which will damage the battery quality and lower the battery life.
Note 2:Avoid temperature when charging is too low
If the battery is in a low temperature condition(4°C is as follows),the battery's power will be continuously reduced,and even if it is not charged,but the situation is different from the low temperature,not forever destroyed,when the temperature is reduced to the appropriate level,Battery power will also be restored to the previous situation.
Note 3:often use
Frequent use will make the electrons in the lithium battery always active,which is conducive to the extension of its life.If you don't use it often,remember to implement a charging cycle for the lithium battery every month,that is,deep charge once.